I have a bluetooth speaker connected to my phone so when I play music my class rotates. One down fall of this system is if anyone text's (or calls) during that 90 minute period, the entire class hears it. AND if you know anything about 7 years olds, if they hear a random ding, they are filled with curiouslity, and 27 little voices start asking "what was that?"
This was less than a 5 second distraction, but resulted in 3 minutes of all the students telling me (and each other) their mom/grandma/sister/cousin has the same ring or phone or hair cut.
Well there is was,"Got your date!!!!" Written in black with a gray bubbled background on my phone screen.
It is actually happening. It is like the one question that everyone asks me now and I never have an answer, but now I do.
14 days. I leave in 14 days.
This was the news I have been waiting for. Praying for. Excited for.
Last night, Adam asked how are you feeling, and I started to cry.
What is wrong with me???? I am suppose to feel excited. Through this entire process, I have felt peace with this part. Money always worried me but 21 hours on a plane without kids seemed like pure bliss. Just me, Rachel, Ross, Joey, Chandler, Monica and Phoebe. What mom wouldn't love that? So why am I being such a baby?
Then it hit me. I will be gone for 10 days not just 21 hours. I will be gone over Easter.
I have never left my kids for more that a quick weekend trip. I am always there to pick them up, to kiss their booboos, to find their kiki's.
I have prayed over this last month that I don't miss the girls birthdays, (which falls 3 weeks apart). I have prayed that I don't miss Adam and my wedding anniversary, (which is inbetween the girls birthday on March 28th) and God has totally answered my prayers.
Elle's b-day last year |
Even though we are not doing much, it's nice to be able to be there with them on their special days.
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Lily's birthday last year |
Blessings, right? So be grateful!
Stop feeling sorry for yourself Kimmy!
God's work, God's plan.
This is what I prayed for so stop complaining.
May He grant you your heart's desire and fufull all your plans!
Psalm 20:4
I told Alex on Ukrainian Facebook,"I am coming! I will be in Ukraine on March--- but won't be able to visit you until April ---!"
"well we'll see you soon"
I think that's how a 16 year old shows he is excited!
It's go time
This is the first of 3 trips. I am going for 10 days. Then I come home for 3 to 4 weeks. Then I go back for 72 hours (they are officially mine on that trip, but there is a 10 day wait period). I am coming home during that time, but most people stay. The third trip is the I gotcha day, where they get to leave the orphanage with me, as their mom.
That third trip is a little longer because we have to wait for their United States Passports and birth certificates.
This will most likely be early or middle May depending on my next court date.
Honestly, I do not know what to expect. I don't know where I will be staying or what the orphanage will be like. I really have no clue.
I am suppose to come with a notebook of questions to ask the orphanage staff about the kids. I don't even know what to ask. I guess I was wondering if I can copy of some pictures of them when they were younger, but that's all I have.
Those of you who have done this before can you please comment below or email me some things I should ask? :)
Also, what should I bring the kiddos in the orphanage? Does anyone want to help me make little goodie bags for them?
I am humbling asking for prayers from everyone. Prayers for my friend Ally and I during this first trip. Prayers that someone is willing to come with me the second and third trip. Prayers for Y+A and their transition. Prayers for Lily and Elliot (and Adam) while I am gone. Prayers for Ally's family and her kiddos while she is gone.
Prayers that the remaining 6,802.33 dollars comes in.
And as always praise to God and his beautiful plan for our lives.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
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