

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

And we are rolling

You know when you are inching up a roller coaster, and you keep hearing the clicks...your stomach is churning and you don't know that it was the best idea to get on this ride...Well, that is how I feel about fundraising. I am sick to my stomach, I have no control and I am sweating profusely (maybe that is the 108 degree weather we are experiencing right now). 

I feel like Elliot


Can I help?
Well, God totally provides.  He has sent an army of people to help me (because let's face it, I am clueless), and they have just taken off running. Emails and envelopes and shoes and items and give aways...amazing but out of my control..and boy, do I like control. Whether I feel comfortable with it or not, those friends are going for it. They are bringing Yana and Alex home while Adam and I sit on the fence, freaked out and embarrassed.

God are you sure we are called to do this? The fundraising makes my skin crawl.

Then the next morning, I get a 4:30am wake up text. It's Alex. 

He and his 17 year old friend are being sent to some "health" camp for 23 days. Why? You are healthy...Who is going? Is Yana going too? When do you leave? What about school? Why only boys? What's going on?

He arrived today and he sent me a message saying that it is a poor camp and that he will not be able to talk to me much.

OK God, let's get them out of there. 

Embarrassing and overwhelming as the fundraising is...we are getting them home. Period.

With this new public journey, I have received so much support and so many kind messages.

Some saying we are inspiring and amazing. 

Let me clear that right up, we are not amazing. Not even close.

I am actually a huge chicken! I will not watch 
scary movies (I didn't even finish Goonies, I was so freaked out). I do not like the dark. I hate going over bridges when driving. And I am totally terrified by heights.

I am not brave. I am very normal and actually kinda on the weird side. But, by the grace of God I am at peace with the traveling and how our lives are going to change because of this decision.

God has put my family in a position to save two lives. To do His will. To give Yana and Alex opportunities that would otherwise not be available for them.
I feel like backing out every single day, but That Voice in my head and those texts on my phone say that is not a option.
 And it is not an option. 


We know.
There were a lot of hard things about this summer, which now I know was the trailer to my-soon-to-be movie. There were a lot of tantrum from all four kids, and a few from me.  

There was tons of going, going, going. A lot of "just put it on the credit card." Trying to entertain a 16 year old, 12 year old, 5 year old and 3 year old all at the same place. 
But not even a single lemon rind or apple core was wasted this summer. I am not kidding, they would eat the whole thing... seeds, stem, everything...and not a single minute was spent not growing as family. We learned from, empathized with and loved each other. 
When I told Elliot and Lily of our plans, the next morning Elliot woke up and ran into Alex's room.

 He was obviously not there. 
Where is Alex? 
In Ukraine.
 But he is coming home. 
Yes, he is coming home (just not yet).

To sum it up, thank you everyone!!!! We are forever grateful for all the gifts and prayers and positive thoughts you have bestowed on our family. Now let's bring these kiddos home.


  1. I sent you a FB message with a rundraising idea but I am sure it dropped into your 'others' folder. Just in case you didn't get it.

    1. I am sorry that I missed it, will you resend it? I looked back but can't find anything. Thanks, Kimmy

  2. Do the children know you're in the process of adopting them?
